Liberated Read online

Page 9

  He shook his head and smiled, realizing she was messing with him. “That’s not the way it works, darling.”

  “I know, I’m only teasing you,” she replied. “I always like to be prepared, so I did some research on my own about this. Plus, Sarah and Myrtle pulled me aside one night at the clubhouse and talked to me about it as well. They wanted to make sure I understood it was a sign of honor, not servitude, to be an “old lady” in the club. I truly love the jacket and I will wear it everywhere.”

  Flint ran a nervous hand through his black hair. “Whew! I was worried there for a minute. Try it on then! Let’s see if it fits.”

  He stood up and held up the jacket. Kendra turned around and slid her arms into the sleeves. He zipped her up and patted the shoulders. “So how does that feel? Is it the right size?”

  Kendra smiled up at him. “It’s a perfect fit.” She shivered. “I feel so sexy in this jacket. Now all I need are some black leather boots to go with it. And maybe a pair of red leather biker gloves.”

  “I’m sure that can be arranged,” Flint replied. “I foresee a shopping trip to Atlanta in our near future. Maybe we can make a weekend out of it. Go to the zoo and the aquarium while we’re there. Anything you want to do.”

  Kendra rose up on her toes to kiss him. “Thank you, Flint. I’m really touched by this. It means a lot to me. I love the MC and all the guys. The Sweet Butts not so much, but maybe they’ll grow on me.”

  Flint wrapped his arms around her waist. “Did you check the pockets? The jacket has inside pockets too, with zippers for your cash and credit cards. Or pistols. Whatever.”

  Kendra stuck her hands into the deep pockets. She glanced up at him, startled, with her mouth open wide as she pulled out a little ring box from the right pocket. Her eyes started to fill with tears even before she opened the box.

  “Now don’t cry, darling,” he said, taking the ring box from her hands. “How are you going to see what’s inside if you’re all teary-eyed?”

  He flipped open the ring box and turned it for her to see inside. The ring was simple, like her. A solid gold band and a solitary diamond. Perfect. Nothing too flashy or gawdy. And the diamond stone was set deep and securely so none of the raptors or parrots in her care could pick it out with their beaks if they tried. She’d lost more than one piece of jewelry to the sneaky little devils.

  Flint took the ring out of the box and held it between his thumb and forefinger. He started to speak then stopped, suddenly unsure of what to say. “Kendra, if this is too soon...”

  “No! Are you crazy?” Tears were falling steadily down her cheeks now. She shook her head. “It’s not too soon.”

  Flint knelt down in front of her and took both her hands in his. He gazed up at her with those intense green eyes she had fallen in love with the very first instant she looked into them. She’d suspected she was a goner on that day, and she had been right.

  “I love you, Kendra,” he began. “I’ve loved you from the very first moment when I opened my eyes, delirious with pain, and saw an angel with wild black hair leaning over me, tending to my wounds. As my grandpa would say, I was smitten with you from the very beginning. All I could think about was making you mine. The first night after we made love on the sofa bed, I stayed awake until sunrise trying to figure out how to convince you to give me a chance. Just one chance. That’s all I could hope for. And more than I deserved.”

  Kendra sniffled and smiled at him through her tears.

  “You’re strong and beautiful,” he continued. “You’re both my steady rock and my soft place to fall. I know I don’t have much to offer you in the way of material things or money, but I will love you forever. I will always be there for you and I will never knowingly let you down. So, Kendra Shaw, will you make an honest man out of me and marry me? Preferably as soon as possible? Maybe this summer?”

  Kendra sniffled again and laughed giddily. “Yes!” she replied. “Of course I’ll marry you.”

  Flint sighed in relief, letting out the deep breath he’d been holding. He slid the ring carefully onto her finger and stood up. “You’ll always be my girl?” he asked. It was the same question he’d asked her months before in the safe house.

  “I said I would be your girl then, and I haven’t changed my mind,” she replied. “I will never change my mind. I love you, Flint. With everything I have. Being your wife would make me the happiest woman in the world.”

  “Should we open the champagne and make a toast?” He tilted his head toward the ice bucket.

  “Wait a minute!” Kendra exclaimed. “You still haven’t explained about the cabin.”

  “It’s not ‘the cabin’, it’s now ‘our cabin’.”

  Her eyes grew wide. “You bought this place?”

  “The owner found himself in a tight spot and was looking to sell. I made him an offer.” He held up his hand. “I know what you’re thinking and the answer is no, I didn’t strong arm or pressure him in any way. He overextended on some real estate and needed to liquidate some of his assets. When I heard this was one of his properties going up for sale, I jumped on it.”

  “How did you get the money?”

  Flint shrugged. “While working in the public defender’s office, I made decent money. Not great money, but it was okay. I stashed everything I could. I worked all the time so I didn’t have that much to spend it on. By making a few decent investments in the stock market at the right time, I was able to earn enough for a solid down payment.”

  Kendra drew in a shaky breath. “I’m having a hard time taking all this in. I love this place, and to think that it’s yours now.”

  “Ours,” he corrected. “It’s our cabin now. I did a little bit of fixing up in here already. To surprise you more than anything else. I was thinking we might add on a bedroom in a year or so. Use this place as a weekend retreat when you can get away from the wildlife clinic or a place to bring our little ones in the summer.”

  “Little ones? Already thinking that far ahead?” Kendra was surprised and pleased. Flint had never mentioned one word about having kids before. Coming from a close family herself, she couldn’t wait to have a bundle of kids running around the house someday. Whenever Flint was ready.

  “Maybe in a couple of years?” he replied. “Hopefully soon the threat from the Liberators will be completely eliminated and we can all breathe easily again. I would hate to bring a baby right into the middle of a biker war. A baby would give them leverage. The timing isn’t right yet because it isn’t safe.”

  “I couldn’t agree more,” she said, sidling up closer. “Besides I’m not ready to share you yet with anyone else, not even a little munchkin. I want to be selfish and keep you all to myself.” She leaned into him suggestively. “I do need a little more clarification about one thing though.”

  “What’s that?”

  “Does ‘Property of Flint’ mean you can do anything you want to me?” she asked in her sexiest voice. “Anything at all?”

  He slowly unzipped her leather jacket. “Anything. You okay with that?” He slid his hands down and cupped her ample ass.

  “Even if it’s dirty and very, very bad?” she whispered.

  Flint swallowed hard. “Especially then.”

  “And I can never say no?” she purred. “I can never refuse anything you want me to do?”

  “You can never refuse me,” Flint said, playing along with her sexy game.

  “One more question,” she said.

  “Let’s hear it.”

  “Are there rules in the MC about what you can do and not do while wearing a leather cut?”

  Flint laughed in spite of himself. “Do you have something specific in mind or is this a general question?”

  “Turn around and close your eyes until I tell you to open them.”

  “I thought I was the one who was supposed to be making up the rules.”

  “Would you just be quiet and turn around?” she said, slipping out of her sexy voice and giggling.

  Flint sigh
ed and turned around. It was only a couple of minutes, but it seemed like forever before Kendra said, “Okay! Open your eyes.”

  Flint whirled around with a silly grin on his face, which quickly changed to something else. “Holy fuck, Kendra!”

  Kendra was stretched back on the pillows holding two glasses of champagne and wearing absolutely nothing except the leather cut. She had unzipped it halfway so her heavy naked breasts bulged through the opening. The jacket stopped at her waist, leaving her freshly waxed pussy bare to his gaze.

  She held up a glass. “Shall we make a toast before you have a taste of your property?”

  Three quick strides and Flint was beside her on the bed. He grabbed one of the champagne flutes from her and drained the contents in one long swallow, then placed the glass on a table beside the bed. “The toast can wait,” he growled, unzipping the leather cut the rest of the way and spreading it wide open with the palms of his hands. “I want my taste now.”

  He grabbed both of her full breasts in his hands and massaged the nipples with his thumbs, pinching and fondling. Bending his head, he kissed and licked every inch of her tits. Kendra had already gulped down her champagne and ditched the glass. She curled her hands in his hair and writhed with pleasure.

  Kendra threw her head back and pushed her breasts harder into his face. When he licked lightly on one nipple then the other, she gasped and held him tighter. Flint’s tongue suddenly bit hard on one nipple while kneading the other breast roughly. He sucked hungrily on the tight bud, lavishing it with ravenous attention that soon had it aching and hard. Kendra melted into him, her body squirming as he moved his attention to the other breast. He tugged the nipple into his mouth with an insistent pull.

  “You like that?” he murmured.

  “Oh, yes,” she moaned.

  He slid down her body and guided her knees gently apart. Kendra leaned back on her bent elbows, using them to support her as his wide shoulders settled in between her legs.

  His mind couldn’t decide whether to look or to touch or do both. He could see her beautiful skin as she willingly opened herself up to him, her waxed pussy already glistening. He loved how responsive she was to his every touch, how her breath hitched and caught when he hit the right spots.

  Flint leaned in close to breathe in her heady scent and caress the calf of her leg. To think he had almost walked away from this. What a fool he would have been. He slid his hand up the thigh, closer to the juncture between her legs. Moving his hand from her inner thigh, he pushed a finger into her waiting slit.

  “Flint!” Kendra said, reaching down with both hands to grab his shoulders. She feverishly ran her hands down his arms and back up.

  “You’re dripping wet,” he said. “I can’t wait to taste you.”

  Flint put a hand on both of her knees, forcing her legs apart even wider. He lowered his head and sucked on her juicy pussy lips then wrapped Kendra’s legs around his shoulders so he could drive deeper into her with his tongue.

  He licked and licked, feeling like he could never get enough of her to satisfy him. Her hot cunt tasted even better than he’d remembered. Spurred on by her writhing and her tight grip on his hair, he buried his tongue into her slit as deep as it could go.

  Flint wanted to drive her wild, to have her grinding her hips uncontrollably into his face. He didn’t ever want her to doubt how she drove him mad with desire and how insatiable he would always be for her. And only her.

  He looked up to see her watching him, her lips parted and her brown eyes almost glazed black with lust. “Touch your tits for me,” he said huskily. “Squeeze your fat nipples.”

  Kendra touched her breasts hesitantly at first then cupped and pinched her tits while he watched from between her legs. Her inhibitions lost, she did as he asked, eager to please him any way he wanted. She rubbed her breasts and squeezed the round tits together, twisting and pulling the hard nubs as he tongued her deeper.

  Flint bit back a groan as he dug his face closer into her pussy. He spread his mouth wider, letting his tongue sweep from her clit to the sensitive nerve endings of her ass. She bucked hard into his face and he grabbed her thighs, pinning her down. He held her tightly and forced her to succumb to his oral assault. She whimpered with her hips undulating underneath his hands and tongue.

  He couldn’t get enough of her taste. It was intoxicating and overwhelmed his senses, the way her sweet juices spilled onto his tongue. His head roared with desire.

  “Open more for me,” he whispered hoarsely. “You’re wet and so fucking sexy.”

  She spread even wider for him and grew more vocal, moaning his name and driving him close to madness.

  As always, sex with Kendra was wicked and hot.

  Flint sucked on her clit, sending her into a quivering frenzy. He continued building up the pressure by flicking his tongue faster around her hooded button. She bit hard on her bottom lip, so close to orgasm. She closed her eyes and gasped as Flint lapped at her cunt, her fingers pulling hard on his hair as she ground herself into his face, coming in waves of contractions.

  Fuck! How he loved feeling her come on his face. It was simply mind-blowing.

  He didn’t move from her inner thighs until he felt the last tremor of her climax had finally passed. Quickly stripping off all his clothes, he threw them into a pile on the floor and moved back between her legs.

  “If I don’t fuck you now, I’m going to explode,” he said. He placed the tip of his cock at the entrance of her pussy and thrust in deep and hard. “It’s a good thing we have all night because there are so many things I want to do to you...”


  “Kendra! Wake up! Hurry!” Flint grabbed her shoulder and shook her gently awake.

  Kendra rubbed her eyes with the back of her hand. “What is it? Is it the Liberators?” She looked at the clock. It wasn’t even six a.m. yet. “What’s wrong?”

  “Nothing’s wrong,” Flint replied. He grabbed her t-shirt from the floor where she’d tossed it the night before. “Put this on. I want to show you something, but hurry so we don’t miss it.”

  She tugged the t-shirt over her head and stood up. Flint grabbed the quilt from the bed and pressed it around her. “I’ll wrap you up in this so you don’t get cold. Come outside on the deck.”

  Kendra followed sleepily behind him, dragging half the quilt on the floor behind her. They stepped out on the tiny wooden deck that looked over the valley below them. The sun was barely coming up over the mountain ridge.

  Flint tugged the quilt tighter around her and snuggled her against him. “ quiet and you’ll hear it.”

  She leaned back against him, happy to be enjoying the early morning air but not quite understanding exactly what he thought was exciting enough to drag her half-naked body out of bed before daylight. After a minute of standing there barefoot in the cold and not hearing anything, she turned to go back inside.

  “How about a hot cup of coffee?” she suggested.

  “Wait!” He tugged her arm and turned her back around. “There! See? There’s two of them circling the tallest tree on the ridge.”

  “What are you talking about?” she asked.

  Suddenly, the loud and unmistakable scream of an eagle pierced the silence, followed by the sound of his mate.

  “Oh my God! It’s a pair of eagles!” Kendra jerked the quilt loose and ran to the railing where she could see them better. “There hasn’t been an eagle spotted in the county in several years. I can’t believe this! Isn’t that a big nest over there on the top of that tree?”

  Flint squinted and looked to where she pointed. “It must be. At first I thought they were only a couple of big hawks. When they kept circling closer and closer, I was finally able to see they were eagles.”

  Kendra stood there, grinning from ear to ear. “Thank you for waking me up,” she said, going back to Flint and snuggling up to his warmth. He threw the quilt around her shoulders again and held her close.

  “Stay snuggled up close to my body,�
�� he said. “I don’t want you to catch a cold. I knew you wouldn’t want to miss seeing them. Even if it meant dragging you out of bed.”

  “You can drag my butt out of bed any time to see an eagle in my backyard.”

  They stood there in silence, watching as the eagles circled and swooped over the valley. “Look at them fly,” Kendra said. “They look so free, with not a care in the world. Soaring above the mountains, loving life, building a nest for their babies.”

  Flint rested his chin on the top of her head. “Hopefully, one of these days very soon we’ll feel like that, too. Without a care in the world.”

  “You mean free?” she asked, pulling back to look up at his face.

  He grinned. That sexy, devilish smile that made her heart skip a beat every time he turned it on her.

  “I believe the word I’m searching for is ‘Liberated’.”

  Kendra nodded in understanding and smiled. “Yes.”


  The End


  The war with the Liberators isn’t over. There are scores to settle.

  Watch for a Jesse centric book coming soon...

  About the Author

  Dez Burke writes hot, steamy books featuring gorgeous alpha males and the women who love them. She is an avid animal lover and is Mom to a teenage daughter, three parrots, a cat, and two rescue dogs.

  She loves interacting with her readers so you can find her hanging out every day on Facebook and on Twitter @ dezburke. To sign up for her newsletter to hear about new releases sign up here! For updates on new releases visit her website at Also check out her author page!

  Please check out my other titles on Amazon:

  Safe House

  Skin Deep

  Trapped into Marriage

  Burned by Passion

  Gents 4 Ladies

  Captivated by the Soldier

  Claimed by the Marine

  Forbidden Love with the Marine

  Captured by the Bodyguard

  Seduced by the Football Player