Steel Infidels Christmas Read online
Page 4
“Ooohhh...yummy,” Kendra says, her dark eyes growing wide. “I’m starving. These look delicious. What’s a cherry bomb? Is it a chocolate covered cherry? I love those! I could eat a whole box all by myself.”
“Sort of,” Aunt Leona says with a shrug. “The recipe came across my Facebook. I changed it up a little to give it my own special touch. Try one. Grab you one too, Flint. I made enough for everyone to have plenty. I figured they’d be a hit at the party.”
Kendra and I both eagerly pick up one of the pretty cherries by the stem. They’re dipped in white chocolate and rolled in red sugar to make them festive. Kendra wraps her lush, pink lips around her cherry and gives me a sexy wink.
I’m mesmerized by her lips.
Holding my cherry up by the stem, I quickly pop it into my mouth. Two seconds later, we’re both choking and gasping as the taste of grain alcohol fills our mouths. There’s no place to spit them out, so we’re both forced to swallow whatever Aunt Leona put inside the cherries.
“What the hell is in those?” I sputter, still coughing when I finally get it down.
The taste wouldn’t have been so bad if I’d known it was coming. When you’re expecting a sweet cherry wrapped in chocolate and instead you get a mouthful of one hundred and ninety proof grain alcohol it can be a helluva shock to your system.
Kendra’s eyes are watering from the burn in her throat. Tears roll down her cheeks. She blinks and dabs at the tears with her pinkie fingers.
“They’re infused with white lightning,” Aunt Leona explains. “The recipe called for vanilla vodka, but I had to switch it up. Where am I going to find vanilla vodka in a dry county? Tell me that. I had to make do with what I had around the house. There’s nothing wrong with making substitutes now and then in recipes. It’s what they did back in the Great Depression. How do you like them?”
I point to the shelves of liquor behind the bar. “Why didn’t you just ask us if you need a specialty liquor? What do you think we do for a business? I could get you anything you need to cook with. Oh my God!” I blow out a long breath like a dragon breathing out flames. “Damn! Those are strong. How did you get the white lightning inside the cherries?”
“I soaked them for a week,” she replies. “I bet Lila would like one. Sam! Lila! I’ve got something for you to try.” She quickly heads in their direction, holding the silver serving platter in front of her. “Have a cherry bomb,” she says to a Sweet Butt walking by.
“Should we warn them?” Kendra asks with a giggle.
“Too late,” I reply.
We break into laughter when Lila and Sam make the same mistake we did by popping the cherries straight into their mouth. Sam doubles over coughing while Lila’s expression never changes. She doesn’t even blink. She’s obviously been practicing with shots of liquor.
“Can I have another one?” Lila asks. “These are delicious! Here Sam, I’ll get another one for you, too.” She grabs two more from the tray and tries to hand one to him.
He holds up a hand in protest. “Give me a minute,” he says, still coughing.
“Payback is hell, Sam,” Lila says with a grin. “Open your mouth.”
“If you want the recipe, I can send it to you on Facebook,” Aunt Leona offers over her shoulder as she moves on to the next unsuspecting person. “Cherry bomb? Cherry bomb?”
Lila pops the other two cherries in her mouth while lightly slapping Sam on the back. “You’ll be okay,” she says, laughing. “Do you need some water?”
“How long have you been waiting to get back at me for doing this to you?” Sam asks when he can finally speak.
“A long time,” she replies. “I knew she was making these because she called me to ask if I had any vanilla vodka. I wanted to see your face when the white lightning hit the back of your tongue.”
“I’m hurt bad,” Sam says with a grim expression. “My throat is really burning. I mean, really burning.”
“Are you serious?” Lila asks with a frown. “Or are you putting me on? For heaven’s sake, Sam! You drink shots of liquor all the time.”
“It’s bad,” he says, taking her hand. “I need to take something for it. Come upstairs with me. There might be some throat lozenges in the medicine cabinet.”
He throws me a wink when they move past us. It’s good to know the player hasn’t lost his golden touch with the ladies.
I pull Kendra closer and wrap my arms around her. “The party is off to a great start. I’m glad we made the decision to include the kids this year. Maybe their presence will help to keep the party from getting out of hand.”
“Don’t speak too soon,” Kendra replies. “The party has only started. It’s another four hours to midnight.”
“You make a valid point,” I reply with a chuckle. “At least for now everyone is having fun. We’d better enjoy the good times while we can.”
“I fully intend to,” she says, snuggling closer.
Chapter Four
When we arrive back home after the party, Flint gently removes Josh from the backseat of the car and carries him straight to his room. The poor child is exhausted from all the excitement. He fell asleep as soon as we loaded him into Flint’s car.
While Flint is tucking him into bed, I hurry into the bathroom to freshen up. I quickly brush my teeth and line my lips with a light layer of the cherry lip gloss Flint loves. After applying a spritz of perfume behind my ear, I try my best to smooth down my wild black hair. As usual it’s a hopeless mess. I give up and head to the bedroom in anticipation.
My husband knows exactly what I want for Christmas and he’d better deliver.
I know he will.
Flint Mason has never disappointed me yet. There’s no doubt in my mind, my gorgeous husband will deliver every fantasy tonight I’ve dreamed of and more.
I sprawl out on our bed in what I hope is my most sexy pose. Wearing a dress is not a common occurrence for me since I’m usually in my veterinarian scrubs. I scoot up higher on the pillows and tug the tight dress up around my hips to show more of my thighs.
I’d kicked off my uncomfortable red high heels when I’d walked into the bedroom. Now I’m wondering if I would appear sexier with them on. Jumping up, I run over to where I’d tossed them into the closet. After hurriedly slipping them on, I crawl back on the bed and fluff my hair again.
I can’t help smiling over the giddy anticipation I’m feeling. This is ridiculous. You would think I wouldn’t be nervous about a special night with my husband. But even after all this time, the thought of making love with Flint gives me butterflies.
It can’t be normal for a married woman to crave their husband as much as I do. I want that man with every fiber of my being. I could blame my lust on the alcohol, though I know I would feel the same way if I hadn’t had a drop to drink.
I hear Flint’s footsteps coming down the hallway from Josh’s room. He knocks gently on the outside of the closed bedroom door. I bite back a giggle. Who knocks on their own bedroom door?
“Yes?” I call out.
“Do you still want your Christmas present?” he asks through the door in that deep Southern drawl I love so much. “I wanted to make sure you weren’t already asleep. It’s getting late and the family will be here bright and early in the morning.”
“Flint...” I reply in a warning tone. “You’re not wiggling your way out of this. You promised me.”
“I was just checking.” He chuckles softly at my impatience. “Give me five minutes. Don’t go anywhere. I’ll be right back.”
“What should I do to entertain myself while you’re gone?” I ask. “I’m lonely in here all by myself. Just so you know, I’m taking my panties off now. If you know what’s good for you, you’d better hurry.” I reach down and peel my red silk panties off then throw them full force at the door. They hit the closed door with a thud and fall to the floor.
“Damn woman!” he yelps. “Was that your panties?”
“Yes, Flint. They’re red and
lacy. Sorry you’re missed them. I bet you would have loved them too. Now go before you miss out on something else. Quit screwing around or I’ll start without you.”
“Give me three minutes.” He’s already moved away from the door and is rushing down the hallway to the spare bedroom.
I knew the panty trick would get him moving. In no time, he’s back, tapping softly at the door again. His hand turns the doorknob.
“Are you ready for me to come in?” he asks in that hypnotically husky voice of his.
I roll my eyes. “Flint, I swear to God if you don’t get your butt in here right this minute, I’m going to throttle you.”
He opens the door and steps inside. My breath catches in my throat.
Hot damn!
For my Christmas wish, he’s changed into a dark blue suit that fits him to perfection. The sight of Flint dressed in an expensive designer suit and tie never fails to get me soaking wet every single time.
I’m dissolving into a gooey mess just looking at him with his tailored jacket covering his hard-packed broad shoulders. His dark hair has grown out a little and now is gently brushing his collar. He’s dabbed on a hint of aftershave. I take a deep breath to inhale the woodsy, manly scent.
Flint is the sexiest man I’ve ever seen in my entire life and he’s all mine.
I’m the luckiest damn woman in the world.
“Merry Christmas, darling,” he says with a devilish smile, his voice thick with unspoken promise.
Whoa...the things his smile does to me.
He steps inside and kicks the door shut behind him. His eyes meet mine and a white-hot current of sexual electricity passes between us. It feels like the bedroom is getting smaller with him sucking me into his body-tingling, magnetic field.
There’s nothing in this world except me and Flint.
For a moment, he stands there without moving, a dark gleam in his green eyes as they slowly travel up and down my body like a predator stalking its prey.
My heart is pounding out of my chest. I pat the bed beside me in invitation.
Flint instinctively knows what I want without me saying one word. Slowly he loosens his tie and strips it off, his eyes never leaving mine. He throws it onto the bed beside me then shrugs off his suit jacket. He carelessly tosses it onto the bed too, not giving a flying fuck that it cost a thousand bucks.
Slowly he goes to work on the buttons of his dress shirt, undoing them one by one. When he reaches the last button, he tugs the shirt out of the waistband of his pants. He tortures me by shrugging the shirt off one tattooed shoulder and then the other excruciatingly slow.
Smiling, I lean back against the pillows, thoroughly enjoying the show he’s putting on just for my pleasure. This is the best Christmas present ever.
Balling up the dress shirt in his hands, he throws it at me. I reach up to catch it in mid-air. It’s a custom in the MC for the guys to toss their old ladies their shirts when they’re playing sports. It’s the wives’ rule that they must remove their shirts before they can play the game. It’s a win-win situation for everyone.
“Is it me or is it getting hot in here?” he asks, reaching for his belt buckle.
“Oh, it’s definitely you, babe,” I say, running my tongue along my parched bottom lip. “All you.” Flint could turn up the temperature in any room without even trying. This man is something else. I wonder if I’ll ever be immune to his animal magnetism.
He follows the movement of my tongue with his eyes, the irises darkening perceptibly. Now that I’ve gotten his attention, I grab the hem of my dress and slowly tug it upwards to give him a teasing glimpse between my legs.
“Fucking hell, Kendra,” he mutters, shoving a hand through his dark hair. “You’ve been taunting me with that dress all night. You sure know how to drive a man insane.”
He strides quickly toward the bed and takes my hand in his. In one powerful tug, he pulls me off the bed and onto my feet. His sudden movement catches me off balance and I stumble in my heels, finding myself locked in his muscular arms.
He grabs a fistful of my hair with one hair and tilts my head back, swooping in to kiss me with an overwhelming hunger that engulfs us both. His other hand moves down to slide under my dress where he can cup my bare ass with his large hand. His fingers possessively dig into the flesh, kneading and groping.
I moan deep in my throat, spreading my palms flat against his tattooed chest muscles for support. I’m struck by how fast his heart is pounding beneath my touch.
“Feel what you do to me,” he mutters, breaking the kiss. “Every fucking time.” Pulling me closer against his body, I detect the unmistakable hardness of his long, thick cock pressed against me. I’m achingly aware of every strong, masculine outline of his frame.
“Is that a gun in your pocket or are you happy to see me?” I tease.
“Both,” he answers with a chuckle. “What do you expect? You married a Steel Infidel.” He wraps his arms around my waist and nuzzles the soft spot of my neck beneath my ear from behind. “Did you wear this red ‘fuck me’ dress just for me?”
“Who else?” I reply. “Do you like it?”
“I love it so much that I can’t wait to take it off. The shoes can stay on. Turn around.” He twists me around in his arms and reaches for the zipper at the back of my neck.
I stand perfectly still as he expertly slides the zipper down the full length of the dress. His fingertips graze my spine, sending delicious shivers through me. With both hands, he reaches for the dress to pull it off one shoulder then the other. With a quick tug, the dress drops to pool in a swirl of red at my feet.
“Damn...,” he murmurs against my neck. “Don’t move. I need a moment here to take in the amazing view. My God, I married a beautiful woman. Tonight, at the club, every man there wanted to be me. It’s a good thing they know better than to stare. Otherwise, they would have had to deal with the consequences, and they wouldn’t have been pretty.”
He lovingly kisses his way down my neck, along my shoulder and then slowly down my back. Bending down behind me, he nuzzles the base of my spine. Moving on to my butt, he kisses and nips my flesh with his teeth.
“I love your ass,” he murmurs. “No, I take that back. I worship your ass. I shouldn’t let a single day go by without telling you how much. I don’t care if you’re wearing a dress or a tight pair of jeans. Whenever I see this big, luscious ass of yours, all I can think about is touching you.” He cups each heavy ass cheek in his hands and squeezes.
“I thought you were a breast man.”
“I am,” he chuckles, his lips hot against my cool skin. “I just haven’t made it that far yet. I’m working my way around. I’m a man who likes to take my ever-loving, sweet time.” He stops talking as his mouth moves further down the crack of my ass.
“Lucky me,” I gasp out loud. “I love a man with a slow hand and an easy touch.”
His open palms slide down the sides of my hips. “Spread your feet apart and bend over,” he orders, his voice growing hoarse with raw lust.
I eagerly obey, leaning forward to place my hands on the soft bed in front of me. I’m wearing nothing but a sexy pair of red heels and a lacy bra.
I’m completely exposed and vulnerable in this position.
Willingly, I offer my body up to him. Anything he wants from me, is his for the taking. I love being dominated by Flint and giving up all control. The trust between us is complete. Only Flint can bring out my submissiveness hidden beneath my tough outer shell.
He grabs a buttock in each hand and spreads them wide apart. I hear his sharp intake of breath as he takes a long look at my glistening wet pussy. His touch has me absolutely soaking. I’m not embarrassed or ashamed in any way because I’m always wet for him. My want for him burns through me like a fever. No other man has ever made my body tremble just by his kiss or touch.
Or ever will.
Without a word, his tongue hungrily dives right into my pussy. I close my eyes and moan under the relentless assault of
his tongue. He licks me over and over, burying his face deeper, eating me out like a starving man.
Oh my God! I’m on fire.
My fingers reach out to clutch the sheets for support when he sweeps his tongue from the top of my pussy to the end. It seems so much dirtier this way with his face buried in between my ass cheeks.
I lean down further to give him better access. Damn! It feels fucking amazing to be tongued by Flint. Hot zaps zip through my body, causing my pussy to coil tight, ready to unravel at any moment.
His fingers move up to rub hard on my clit. Losing all conscious thought, I grind my body lewdly back against his face, letting him know how much I love what he’s doing.
He groans deep in his throat, his hands tightening on me. I’ll be bruised and sore from the imprints of his fingers tomorrow, not that I’m complaining.
His tongue is absolute bliss.
When he senses I’m getting close, he shoves two fingers deep inside my pussy, pumping in and out. I explode in a shattering orgasm.
“Flint! Don’t stop!” I call out his name over and over, until I’m almost incoherent. He’s making me lose control in ways I’d never dreamed possible.
“That’s it, baby,” he growls against my skin. “Cum for me.”
I close my eyes and give myself over to the orgasm for what seems like forever. Without giving me time to catch my breath, he scoops me up in his arms and places me on the bed. With a dazed smile, I hurriedly reach for his belt buckle.
“Now it’s your turn,” I say.
“Oh no, not yet,” he replies, moving my hands away. “I haven’t put a checkmark beside everything on your wish list.”
Chuckling softly, he pins my wrists high on either side of the bed. His green eyes smolder as they run over my body. When his eyes land on my freshly waxed pussy, his breath catches in his throat. Only the rapid pulse throbbing on the side of his neck gives away how tightly he’s holding onto control.
He straddles my waist with his knees on either side of me, holding me down with his weight. He picks up his silk tie lying on the bed. Grabbing my wrists again, he deftly wraps the tie around them and then loops the end around the bedpost behind me.